Woman staring out window while deciding when to contact a women's breast clinic.

What To Do If You Notice a Breast Lump

If you’re performing breast self-exams monthly, you may discover abnormal changes around your breast or armpit area. Differences may include the formation of a lump, changes to the color of your nipples, or changes to your skin’s texture around the area (i.e., dimpling, swelling, redness, etc.)

If you find a breast lump, the first step is simple: don’t panic. 

Remember that often, breast masses are noncancerous cysts. So, although feeling anxious is normal, it’s essential to understand that you’re doing everything possible to protect your health. 

In addition, early detection often leads to successful, less invasive treatment. So, the sooner you discover any abnormalities, the quicker you can contact your healthcare team and seek medical guidance.

How Long to Wait after Finding a Lump in Breast?

Many factors, including hormones, can contribute to changes in your breasts or the formation of a lump to appear. But if you’re feeling anxious or stressed, you can contact your clinician for advice. 

If, for example, you notice a breast lump during your menstrual cycle, your primary care provider or OB GYN practitioner may recommend that you wait until your period ends to see if the lump changes or goes away. 

However, if any changes or abnormalities last longer than one complete menstrual cycle, you’ll need to contact your clinician to discuss the issue. In addition, keeping a journal to document changes or non-changes you discover during your monthly self-exams may be helpful. Again, you can share this with your clinician to give her more details on any changes.

What Are My Next Steps? 

Your clinician may recommend a mammogram for further diagnosis. Be assured that this is a preventative measure and the best step forward.

Mammograms capture a low-dose x-ray of the breast and surrounding tissues. This allows radiologist to effectively screen for breast cancers that may be too small to feel in a self-exam. 

Using these images, a certified radiologist will look for subtle changes in your breasts. Note that depending on your symptoms and the location of the breast lump, your clinician may recommend a 3D Mammogram.

3D Mammograms offer an advanced imaging test that uses multiple x-rays to create a three-dimensional picture of your breast. Your radiologist can then examine the breast tissue—layer by layer—to identify any abnormalities.

DID YOU KNOW that mammograms can show changes in the breast up to 2 years before a patient or clinician can feel them? 

This is also why women can benefit from yearly mammograms after age 40 (or earlier if they have a family history of breast cancer). Remember, the more familiar you and your healthcare team are with your breasts health, the better informed you are to notice even the slightest change take place.

What to Expect at a Women’s Breast Clinic

At The Breast Center of Maple Grove, you’ll find a caring and compassionate team of care navigators, radiologists, managers, and directors committed to providing the most comfortable experience possible. 

Here are a few services you can expect from our center:

Advanced Technology: Utilizing advances in screening and mammography technology, we have equipped our center with the best tools and equipment to provide accurate results you can trust.

Breast Health Services: We’re here to serve you and support your breast health needs, from annual mammograms to breast biopsies and wire localizations.

Personalized Assistance: We want to be part of your wellness journey, and we believe that begins with offering patients access to a safe, comfortable breast care clinic where you feel supported and empowered. 

Education to Empower: Part of what we do is educate our patients on how our services work and what to expect so they feel confident in making regular mammogram appointments with our team.

Support When You Need It: Suppose, for any reason, you feel anxious or have questions about a particular procedure. In that case, we offer a dedicated care team to walk you through every step and even sit next to you during your procedure.

Schedule Your Appointment for 2023

The Breast Center at Maple Grove offers the most convenient mammogram appointments in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 

Our advanced, same-day appointments are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm. We also offer extended hours until 8:00 pm on Tuesdays. 

And as always, walk-ins are welcome when life gets too busy.

To schedule your appointment, fill out our online form, or call us at (763) 398-6370. Our team will contact you within 24 hours of your request to schedule you with one of our experienced technologists.

We look forward to serving you in 2023 with the best service and support possible.