Survival Isn’t Luck. It’s a Lifestyle.

We offer same-day appointments and results for diagnostic patients

Know Before You Go

No matter your procedure, you are treated like royalty in our spa-like imaging center. With state-of-the-art technology, our procedures are efficient, accurate, and as comfortable as it gets.

Mammogram Prep
Bcmg Team 2024 Circle

With You All the Way

We provide care for your breast health, from screening and diagnostics to biopsy and surgical support, all guided by our breast care navigators who work with you and your physician every step of the way.

Your Comfort is Our Priority

The Breast Center of Maple Grove offers patients and their families a comprehensive array of breast screening and diagnostic services to provide timely information and diagnosis. We offer specialized care in a technologically advanced facility and foster close partnerships with area physicians and surgeons.

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Same-day results for diagnostic patients

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A relaxing and comfortable environment

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State-of-the-art technology

Love from our Patients

“They are the best! so friendly, efficient, kind, caring and get you in and out of there. I would highly recommend!!”

5 Stars Blue

Renee’ J.

“The Breast Center of Maple Grove is excellent. The staff is friendly and caring. Results were fast and professional. Their online system makes the process even easier and faster. I wish I had gone here last year instead of my former provider.”

5 Stars Blue

Holly Jo A.

“If it’s possible to feel pampered at a mammogram appointment, this is the place! Warm robes and friendly faces. Had fast results. Will definitely be returning next year and referring my friends and family! Top notch!”

5 Stars Blue

Tammy H.